Youth Pastor Theologians with Mike McGarry

In this episode of Straight to the Heart, our host Rush Witt, talks with Mike McGarry about some of the friends and enemies of theologically-minded youth ministry, the importance of team-based ministry among students, and Mike’s advice to new, green youth ministry leaders. 


1:33 – Welcome

2:47 – What’s your story?

7:08 – Tell me about Youth Pastor Theologian.

11:21 – How theological is youth ministry really?

16:19 – What’s youth ministry like in a strong culture like Boston?

21:35 – What youth ministry misunderstandings do you see among adults? 

33:15 – Are fun and games the enemies of theological youth ministry? 

40:35 – The importance of team-based youth ministry

46:57 – Mike McGarry’s advice to brand new youth ministers

49:10 – Farewell

About Mike McGarry:

Mike McGarry is the Founder/Director of Youth Pastor Theologian. He served as a Youth Pastor for 18 years and has two youth at home. Mike is the author of Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith, Lead Them to Jesus, and A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Seasons of Sorrow 1
Mobilizing Church Based Counseling Frontcover 85085
Blog Posts written bY Mike McGarry.
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Straight to the Heart

Welcome to “Straight to the Heart,” a podcast from New Growth Press hosted by Rush Witt. Each episode includes thought-provoking conversations with leading Christian writers and thinkers. We hear who they are, what they believe, how they approach their work and ministry, and the moments and people who have changed their lives. In “Straight to the Heart,” we go beyond the books to connect with the remarkable people behind them.

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