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Whose Chore Is This?

blog chores

Have you asked your child to do a chore, but the process ended up being more work for you than for your child? Maybe you had to address a grumbling attitude or an unexpected mess. Maybe they were moving so slowly that you had to monitor their work to be sure they followed through. The next time, you may have decided to just do the job yourself—it would be faster and easier than trying to get an...

The Fragility of Idols and the Security of the Savior

blog fragile security

When our family moved from the Southeast to Southern California a dozen years ago, we were loath to leave a strong network of relationships yet ready to leave behind mosquitos and humidity. We joked that someone had to move to one of the most beautiful cities in America to serve Jesus in a nearly perfect climate. Our weather may remain stable, but underneath the surface, where the naked eye...

The Hardest Thing You’ve Ever Done

blog identity

What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Think about it. Maybe for some of you something physical comes to mind. I knew a man who built his entire house from the ground up. From digging the foundation to creating the architectural plans for his home, he literally made his own house. Perhaps some of you are thinking of something academic or mental. In college I had a friend who was studying...

Navigating Sibling Conflict

blog Darcy

Navigating sibling conflict is one of the most stressful parts of parenting. It is distressing for us as parents to see the little people we love and adore mistreat one another! It shouldn’t be so! We’re family, after all. And yet it is so. Siblings fight. Siblings fight hard and often. They fight because those little people we love and adore have, just like us, desires that battle within them...

The Comfort and Friendship of Jesus in Our Grief

blog comfort grief

Over the four-plus years my beloved wife Nanci faced cancer, there were many good reports and many bad ones. We rode a roller coaster of emotions throughout her three surgeries, three rounds of radiation, and three rounds of chemo. I vividly remember the day when the doctor said it was now stage 4 cancer that had spread to her lungs. That night we prayed together, and then I went downstairs, got...

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