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Youth Pastor Theologians with Mike McGarry

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In this episode of Straight to the Heart, our host Rush Witt, talks with Mike McGarry about some of the friends and enemies of theologically-minded youth ministry, the importance of team-based ministry among students, and Mike’s advice to new, green youth ministry leaders.  Timestamps: 1:33 – Welcome2:47 – What’s your story?7:08 – Tell me about Youth Pastor Theologian...

What if I Had Understood the Grace of God as a Teenager?

blog Rebellion God Pursuit

God called me to trust in him when I was just three years old, but I didn’t really begin to understand his grace until I was seventeen. Don’t get me wrong—I loved Jesus as a teenager. In the midst of high school heartaches and often tumultuous relationships with my parents, he was my refuge. But somewhere, somehow, I believed the lie that I had to be good in order to stay close to him, that my...

The Law and the Gospel

blog law gospel

Even a casual reader can see that the Bible is full of commands, prohibitions, and expectations. It tells us what to do and what not to do. These rules or laws often present an obstacle to faith. Non-Christians object to Christianity because it seems like “just a bunch of rules and regulations.” And even faithful Christians struggle to understand how the law of God and the gospel of God relate to...

Grace for Daily Challenges with Joni Eareckson Tada

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In this episode of Straight to the Heart, our host Rush Witt, speaks with Joni Eareckson Tada about her life and ministry in the present moment, where she finds grace to persevere through difficult challenges, and how students can become involved in summer internships with her ministry called Joni and Friends. Timestamps: 2:16 – Welcome3:56 – How are things at Joni and Friends today...

Are You Praying Like a Spiritual Orphan?

blog prayer heavenly father

In his biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, Andrew Roberts tells the story of one of Napoleon’s early victories. Outnumbered on the battlefield, Napoleon demonstrated that his gift for exaggeration could easily turn into full-blown deception. It was August of 1796, and Napoleon was surrounded by 3,000 Austrian troops. His force (just over a third of the size of the opposing army) was exhausted. The...

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